So I better do it or those friends (Brandi and Ashley) will get mad. Here you are then:
8 Favorite TV Shows
*Law & Order (all 3 of them; original, SVU, & CI)
*(more recently) reruns of NCIS on USA (I've never watched it before and haven't watched any new ones but I watch it on USA Network)
*The Office
*My Name is Earl
*Lost (only because Jason got me watching this show!)
*South Park
*Many shows on HGTV
*Deadliest Catch
8 Things I did yesterday
*Went to Church
*Made dinner
*Called Parents
*Worked on computer
*Worked on some crafts
*Took dinner to the Seamons family
*Ate at their house
*Watched the kids and Jason play the WII
8 Things I look forward to
*Jason's birthday
*The Weekend
*Thanksgiving because my parents are coming
*Being a mom
*Moving back to a warmer place
*Buying and decorating our own house
*Seeing my new nephew in January
8 Favorite Restaurants
*Taco Bell
*Bahama Breeze
*Little Ceasar's
*Jack in the Box
8 Things on my wish list
*Good Job for Jason
*A Big Garden
*Trip to Europe
*Trip to Hawaii
*Graduating from College
Tag 8 People
*Megan P
*Rhiannon N
*Stacey P
*Kaytie B
*Kate P
*Teresa H
*Anna P
*Shawna S
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sesame Street...
Ok I have a confession. I used to watch Sesame Street even though I was out of elementary school, like in Junior High. It wasn't everyday but it seemed like when I did watch I got to watch a cool act like this on there. I haven't watched Sesame Street in years now but I wonder if it's as cool as it was in the 90's. To have the Spin Doctors on Sesame Street was pretty funny for me because no little kid would know who they are but I did because I was in Junior High and listened to them. Anyway, I found the clip on Youtube so watch!
Another cool one for me was Ladysmith Black Mambazo on the show. My family and I went to see them in concert because my dad liked them and Paul Simon and Ladysmith Black Mambazo had done some songs together and my Dad so likes Paul Simon. So here you go; Another video you can watch with your kids.
Another cool one for me was Ladysmith Black Mambazo on the show. My family and I went to see them in concert because my dad liked them and Paul Simon and Ladysmith Black Mambazo had done some songs together and my Dad so likes Paul Simon. So here you go; Another video you can watch with your kids.
I remember renting the Muppets Show from the library one summer and there were 2 songs that they did on the show. This is one and if you scroll down there is another. I loved Animal at the end of this one. It always made me laugh.
Another Memory...
I liked this one 1. because of the song and 2. because my grandpa told me that we are related to some Vikings in our geneology.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Glasses :(
I used to have glasses back in the eighth grade which even then I never wore and then I got colored contacts which again I hardly wore. (sorry to waste your money, Mom!) And the reason I hardly wore either one is I can still see without the help of them. I only have one bad eye and back in the day my right eye was 20/20 so it was actually seeing for both eyes. Well, I finally broke down and went to the eye doctor the last day of my vacation since again I work during the week and don't feel like going after work to the doctor's and I hate doctors. But since I am paying to have insurance I figure I should use it.

Jason came with me and the eye doctor did the whole eye exam. She said everything was good except that my right eye is a plus and the left a negative which means that the right is over-compensating for the left and isn't 20/20 anymore. It's such a slight prescription though that she said if I didn't want it that it would be ok. She also said that my left eye is so bad that it wouldn't pass a driving test eye exam (which last year when we moved up here and got our licenses I almost didn't but did because of my right eye). She gave me a trial contact for the left eye and I ordered some glasses, and then a few days later I got the trial for the right. I just got my glasses today. Jason says I look like Tina Fey with them on. I don't see it.
Jason came with me and the eye doctor did the whole eye exam. She said everything was good except that my right eye is a plus and the left a negative which means that the right is over-compensating for the left and isn't 20/20 anymore. It's such a slight prescription though that she said if I didn't want it that it would be ok. She also said that my left eye is so bad that it wouldn't pass a driving test eye exam (which last year when we moved up here and got our licenses I almost didn't but did because of my right eye). She gave me a trial contact for the left eye and I ordered some glasses, and then a few days later I got the trial for the right. I just got my glasses today. Jason says I look like Tina Fey with them on. I don't see it.
Well, Jason had his last vacation of the year Sept. 27-Oct. 6 so since I still had some vacation time and wasn't going to take it on my own I took the 1st thru the 6th off work. Our original plan was to go to Chicago and see my parents but that didn't work out. (Sorry Mom and Dad! I hope I still get to see you at Thanksgiving.) So instead I used my time to do things I haven't had time to do since getting married and working Monday-Friday. I got my new SS card with my name change on it like 3 months ago but haven't changed my name on ANYTHING else. So I was able to get my new driver's license, change my name at work, and change all my credit cards over to my married name, FINALLY. Jason was amazed how much work it was to have to change my name on everything. It really wasn't so hard, it was just finding the time since I work during the week and that's when everything is opened. So Yea! It was kind of depressing though at the same time. My mom told me that I'm still a Patterson even though I changed my name :(
We stopped at a rest stop and I wanted to take a picture of the fall leaves. That's one thing I do like to see is the leaves here change since I never had that in Arizona. I could do without the cold that comes with it but oh well.

Anyway, since we weren't going to Chicago I wanted to still get out of Fargo. We decided to drive down to Minneapolis and go shopping at the Mall of America. I wanted to go to a REAL mall. Not the little wanna-be mall that Fargo has. (It's sad really. The mall here is a nice mall there's just nothing I would really buy in the stores. We walk through the mall and say "Do you want to go in there?" "No" "Do you want to go in here?" "No") My goal for going to the Mall of America was to find a white hoodie. I have this thing with matching in my outfits and I just didn't have a white jacket to match. And Jason said if I found one he would buy it for my birthday. And yes the trip was a success. I found a hoodie and a new shirt. It was fun to go to the Mall and see things that we would actually buy if we had the money to buy it. And we were able to eat at Chipotle and get Cinnabon! (Neither of which we have in Fargo.) We spent a good deal of time checking out Ikea and seeing some awesome furniture that we are going to save up for, also!
I don't know if any of you have seen this SMART Car but I'm in love with it. If we move back to AZ I totally want one for around town driving. I am just taller than it is and Jason can almost touch it end to end. It's so cute! It was a really nice car actually seeing it up close.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Happy Birthday Dallin!
I just wanted to give a shout out to my wonderful brother. Today is his birthday and I hope that he has a really great birthday. I love him so much and I wish that I could him a great big hug. I'm so grateful to him and happy to have him as my brother. We didn't always get along growing up but I still felt like we were and are very close. Dallin, you are the best and I love you and you are going to be a great dad! Thanks for always being there. Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
White and Nerdy
So when Jason and I need to laugh we listen to or watch Weird Al Yankovic songs or music videos. I hope you enjoy this and laugh as much as we do! This is the White and Nerdy music video. Trust me, you will laugh!
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