Jason got home from the grocery store this evening and told me about his fun experience...
He had gone to pick up just a few essentials and got to the check out where he got behind, I'm sure, the most wonderful lady with 3 kids. After unloading her cart full of groceries and the cashier ringing it all thru she says "oh I forgot my billfold!"
Jason said she then gave her keys to the car to her probably 8-year-old son to go out and get it for her. After about 2-3 minutes he comes back in and says he can't find it. She decides to then have her son watch the other kids while SHE goes out to the car to look for it for about 2-3 minutes! Jason said she then comes back in and states that she couldn't find it either and says "oh it's ok" and proceeds to pull out her checkbook that was in her purse the whole time while she is in the store and flips it to the back where she takes out a $100 bill! She says "fine just use this." (Jason said she had a number of other bills in the checkbook, too)
So the moral of the story: Please don't waste unnecessary time if you had the money the whole time. Thank you.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Saggy Pants, what?

So I remembered another random conversation that some co-workers and I had. I don't really know how it went so I'll just tell you the gist of it.
One of the guys at work said one day, "So what the heck is up with guys wearing their pants all saggying below their butts? Is that the new style or something? It's stupid!"
Me: (if I had been drinking something at the time I seriously would have been spitting it out in surprise) "What do you mean the "new style"? That's been going on for frickin' years! Where have you been?"
He, of course, didn't believe me and insisted on it being a new thing that they do now. I had to then explain that that guys have been wearing pants like that since at least the late '80's and explain obviously not all guys wear their pants like but the style is NO WHERE near being "THE NEW STYLE!"
I'm telling you, some people seriously live under rocks here!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Do you have...?
(If you haven't read the post 2 down to explain this post please read it first so you understand why I'm posting this)
It's late and I'm remembering all these ridiculious converstaions and I just remembered another one. Some of the conversations that I have are kind of like "Here's Your Sign" moments that make you wonder if people thought that after they said whatever they said I hope they realized how dumb it was. Case in point...
I answered a phone call for the shoe department that went like this:
Me: Hello this is shoes. can I help you find something?
Lady on the Phone: Yeah I was wondering if you carried any dancing type shoes either tap, jazz, or ballet.
Me: No I'm sorry, we do not. The only thing that we carry are little ballet slippers for girls.
LOTP: What kind of ballet slippers are they and what size do they come?
Me: They are just cheap little slippers for little girls in dance, not the kind you can go up on point with.
LOTP: Oh ok. Well I was looking for jazz shoes anyway. You don't carry those?
Me: (thinking in my head Ok then why didn't you just specify that that's what you were looking for exactly in the first place?)
Me: No I'm sorry we do not.
LOTP: Do you know of any dance stores in Fargo that I can get those?
Me: No I don't. I'm not familiar with Fargo and their dance stores.
LOTP: (I don't know why she is still on the phone) You don't? Man I have looked everywhere. Ok thank you.
Me: You're welcome. Bye.
Hang up
So friendly reminder to all of you out there. When calling or shopping a place of business and you need something specific please ask for that instead of asking for a general roundabout thing and then actually needing a specific.
I used to get those same similar questions at Zumiez and Pacsun all the time when I worked there. People would come in looking for shoes and ask me "What sizes do you have this shoe in?" or "What sizes does this shoe come in?" INSTEAD of saying "Do you have this shoe in a size ...?" My response was the same everytime: "What size do you need or wear?"
Ok enough for tonight. GOOD NIGHT ALL!
It's late and I'm remembering all these ridiculious converstaions and I just remembered another one. Some of the conversations that I have are kind of like "Here's Your Sign" moments that make you wonder if people thought that after they said whatever they said I hope they realized how dumb it was. Case in point...
I answered a phone call for the shoe department that went like this:
Me: Hello this is shoes. can I help you find something?
Lady on the Phone: Yeah I was wondering if you carried any dancing type shoes either tap, jazz, or ballet.
Me: No I'm sorry, we do not. The only thing that we carry are little ballet slippers for girls.
LOTP: What kind of ballet slippers are they and what size do they come?
Me: They are just cheap little slippers for little girls in dance, not the kind you can go up on point with.
LOTP: Oh ok. Well I was looking for jazz shoes anyway. You don't carry those?
Me: (thinking in my head Ok then why didn't you just specify that that's what you were looking for exactly in the first place?)
Me: No I'm sorry we do not.
LOTP: Do you know of any dance stores in Fargo that I can get those?
Me: No I don't. I'm not familiar with Fargo and their dance stores.
LOTP: (I don't know why she is still on the phone) You don't? Man I have looked everywhere. Ok thank you.
Me: You're welcome. Bye.
Hang up
So friendly reminder to all of you out there. When calling or shopping a place of business and you need something specific please ask for that instead of asking for a general roundabout thing and then actually needing a specific.
I used to get those same similar questions at Zumiez and Pacsun all the time when I worked there. People would come in looking for shoes and ask me "What sizes do you have this shoe in?" or "What sizes does this shoe come in?" INSTEAD of saying "Do you have this shoe in a size ...?" My response was the same everytime: "What size do you need or wear?"
Ok enough for tonight. GOOD NIGHT ALL!
Mine, Mine, Mine! not Mike Mike Mike!
I already thought of another conversation that I had with B. To set it up a little bit, she doesn't watch very many movies. Even old movies. She can't sit still enough to watch them, she says, because she feels she has too much other things she needs to do. (By the way she only has 1 child and he is 22 or 23 and does not live at home so it's just her and her husband.)
Anyway, a couple of other co-workers and I are always quoting movies and one we sometimes quote is Finding Nemo. A one of my friends/co-workers even has as her text message tone it says "Shark Bate Oooh-ha-ha" and then there's a guy at work named Bruce and some other girls are always saying to him "Fish are friends, not food."
Since B had never seen Finding Nemo I decided to bring it in on a Friday so she would have the weekend to watch it. Monday morning comes and she gives it back to me and says she really liked it. Here's where the conversation comes in.
The next day she comes in and tells me the previous day she was talking to K and she said "Mike Mike Mike!" and K looks at her with a funny look on her face and said "What are you talking about?"
B says "You know. From Finding Nemo! The part with the seagulls!"
K realizing what B was talking about corrects her and says "B they aren't saying Mike Mike Mike! they are saying Mine Mine Mine!"
B says "Oh my gosh that makes so much more sense!" (I of course am laughing at her)
B then says she went home that night and told her husband "You that part in the movie with the seagulls, do you know what they were saying?" He says "Yeah they were saying Mine Mine Mine!"
B says "I can't believe you knew that! I thought that they were saying Mike Mike Mike!" She said that her husband just rolled his eyes and couldn't believe she thought that.
Ok. This one was funny to me. It may not be to you but whatever.
To Be Continued...
Anyway, a couple of other co-workers and I are always quoting movies and one we sometimes quote is Finding Nemo. A one of my friends/co-workers even has as her text message tone it says "Shark Bate Oooh-ha-ha" and then there's a guy at work named Bruce and some other girls are always saying to him "Fish are friends, not food."
Since B had never seen Finding Nemo I decided to bring it in on a Friday so she would have the weekend to watch it. Monday morning comes and she gives it back to me and says she really liked it. Here's where the conversation comes in.
The next day she comes in and tells me the previous day she was talking to K and she said "Mike Mike Mike!" and K looks at her with a funny look on her face and said "What are you talking about?"
B says "You know. From Finding Nemo! The part with the seagulls!"
K realizing what B was talking about corrects her and says "B they aren't saying Mike Mike Mike! they are saying Mine Mine Mine!"
B says "Oh my gosh that makes so much more sense!" (I of course am laughing at her)
B then says she went home that night and told her husband "You that part in the movie with the seagulls, do you know what they were saying?" He says "Yeah they were saying Mine Mine Mine!"
B says "I can't believe you knew that! I thought that they were saying Mike Mike Mike!" She said that her husband just rolled his eyes and couldn't believe she thought that.
Ok. This one was funny to me. It may not be to you but whatever.
To Be Continued...
Friday, September 19, 2008
You don't need a passport...
For those of you that come to my blog everyday or week hoping I updated it I have decided that since I never really have anything worth mentioning in our lives, I am going to start posting the insane and ridiculous things people say & conversations that I have with my co-workers here at Target in Fargo, North Dakota. I'm specifying the fact that I'm in Fargo so everyone that does not live here can try to relate to the me and feel my pain when I post these conversations. (And if any of you feel dumb after I post some conversations, I'm sorry. I'm not making fun of anyone. It's just sometimes I think my co-workers grew up under a rock for the lack of common knowledge and sense that they have sometimes.) So here it goes. The first dumb conversation:
A couple days ago one of my co-workers (we'll just call her D to keep her anonymous and to help follow along in future posts) D makes a comment saying "I saw a commercial the other day saying that you do not need a passport to travel to Puerto Rico from the U.S.! That's so crazy. I wonder why. That's really cool." (I hope some of you are already have the same reaction to this as I did.)
So I say to her "Of course you don't. You've never had to because Puerto Rico is a territory of the U.S. as is Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands." (I know there are a few more places I just only mentioned Guam and the Virgin Islands.)
D says " I never knew that. That's good to know." (Myself and another co-worker we'll call M just couldn't believe that she had no idea.)
So then another co-worker we'll call B says " I wouldn't travel there. I would rather go to Cuba!"
M and I look a each other and then look at her and proceed to tell her that she can't travel to Cuba.
B says "Yes I can. I can go where ever I want."
M says "no you have to get special permission from the US Govt."
B says "Since when?" (Please somebody have the same reaction to this as me!)
M says "Since for a long time! Bay of Pigs blah blah Cold War, Cuban Missile crisis, etc." (I'm obviously summarizing just a tad.)
B says "Oh really? I didn't know that."
I said "Yeah go ahead and go to Cuba just good luck trying to get back in and explaining why you were there."
B says "Well I don't care I would go to Cuba if I want." (I guess you first have to understand how B really is and the fact that she is saying she would go to Cuba is just crazy talk because this chick hasn't ever been to the ocean or taken a flight anywhere and is afraid of water because she can't swim. I'm sure if I would have told her that she would have to take a boat or plane to get to Cuba, I know the next thing out of her mouth would be "Well never mind then." I'm sure she probably thought you can drive to Cuba because that's the only way she will travel. I'm pretty sure the farthest she's been from North Dakota is Iowa. She is an awesome person and my favorite co-worker, but sometimes...)
Anyway, that's the gist of the conversation. I hope you have a little bit more understanding how some people's minds in ND work. Trust me, I'll have more posts to come with the insane things that they think of and say.
To Be Continued...
A couple days ago one of my co-workers (we'll just call her D to keep her anonymous and to help follow along in future posts) D makes a comment saying "I saw a commercial the other day saying that you do not need a passport to travel to Puerto Rico from the U.S.! That's so crazy. I wonder why. That's really cool." (I hope some of you are already have the same reaction to this as I did.)
So I say to her "Of course you don't. You've never had to because Puerto Rico is a territory of the U.S. as is Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands." (I know there are a few more places I just only mentioned Guam and the Virgin Islands.)
D says " I never knew that. That's good to know." (Myself and another co-worker we'll call M just couldn't believe that she had no idea.)
So then another co-worker we'll call B says " I wouldn't travel there. I would rather go to Cuba!"
M and I look a each other and then look at her and proceed to tell her that she can't travel to Cuba.
B says "Yes I can. I can go where ever I want."
M says "no you have to get special permission from the US Govt."
B says "Since when?" (Please somebody have the same reaction to this as me!)
M says "Since for a long time! Bay of Pigs blah blah Cold War, Cuban Missile crisis, etc." (I'm obviously summarizing just a tad.)
B says "Oh really? I didn't know that."
I said "Yeah go ahead and go to Cuba just good luck trying to get back in and explaining why you were there."
B says "Well I don't care I would go to Cuba if I want." (I guess you first have to understand how B really is and the fact that she is saying she would go to Cuba is just crazy talk because this chick hasn't ever been to the ocean or taken a flight anywhere and is afraid of water because she can't swim. I'm sure if I would have told her that she would have to take a boat or plane to get to Cuba, I know the next thing out of her mouth would be "Well never mind then." I'm sure she probably thought you can drive to Cuba because that's the only way she will travel. I'm pretty sure the farthest she's been from North Dakota is Iowa. She is an awesome person and my favorite co-worker, but sometimes...)
Anyway, that's the gist of the conversation. I hope you have a little bit more understanding how some people's minds in ND work. Trust me, I'll have more posts to come with the insane things that they think of and say.
To Be Continued...
Friday, September 5, 2008
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