Today is my cute nephew, Phoenix's birthday. I can't believe that he is 3 already. I remember when he was born. I was up in Snowflake for the Pioneer Days Celebration and I was so jealous that I couldn't be there to see him. I wish I could live closer to my sister so I can see him grow and my niece, Jersey, too. He is the cutest kid. I love to watch him. He is so happy and just such a little boy. He loves Cars, Indiania Jones, and Star Wars. I'm so glad that he is my nephew. I hope he had a great 3-year-old birthday. Happy Birthday Phoenix! I love you!
Hey, that is cool you guys have been to Mt. Rushmore too. It's not really on the way to much, so most people haven't been there. So what is North Dakota like? Is it as beautiful as South Dakota?
Phoenix & Jersey...such CUTE names & I've never heard them before! I love watching nieces/nephews get older---so much fun:)
Hey girl!! Remember me?? Taylor Park Ward baby!! Anyway I found your blog and just wanted to say hi!! -Josie Thompson
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